Always Promote Diversity

We are dedicated to exposing and fighting bigotry of all kinds.


FUCKHITLER is an organization that is dedicated to exposing and fighting bigotry of all kinds. We strive to provide help to those who need it and to spread our message as far as possible. Our goal is to completely change the way people look at each other by promoting diversity and acceptance universally.

Hatred is an extremely powerful emotion, but no where near as powerful as Love and Acceptance!

Join us in our mission and watch the world become a better place.


We are working on building an amazing KickStarter campaign to start our organization off on the right foot.

KickStarter Preview Link


Have questions? Want to donate your time? Just looking for someone to talk to? We're here for you! Send us an email, or contact us at any of the below channels.

[email protected]

Copyright 2015 Always Promote Diversity